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Greeting Card Maker Application v5.9


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Greeting Card Maker Application v5.9 File Number: 265285 |  Submitted: Nov 3, 2023 |  File size: 5376KB |  Uninstaller: yes

Author: EMail |  Price: $45 |  License: Shareware
O/S: Win 11 32Bit | Category: Programs |  Downloads: 0

Requirements: Any Windowse


Greetings cards are one of the best ways to express someone feeling, warmth, careless and love for their dear ones, so ourpany offers greeting card maker software that efficiently design and print bulk greeting cards for various religious festivals, valentine day, new year, birthday, wedding, anniversary and many more asions. Professional developers develops cost effective solution for designing attractive and beautiful greeting cards as per user customized data including own photo, family photo, personalized messages and other images in less span of time. Standard greeting card generator software allowed user to create personal as well as professional greeting cards for friends, partners, associates, staff members etc. Economical greeting card builder application instantly generates seasonal greeting cards with same or different contents for your enormous friends. Reasonable greeting card software ispletely time saving solution as it allow user to generate homemade greeting cards for sending your best wishes and good luck instead of buying costly greeting cards from markets. Greeting cards have their own content so user find difficulty in choosing perfect card that express e feeling, our greeting card maker utility empower user to create customized greeting cards with personalized own messages. Greeting card software allow children to convey their gratitude to parents in form of greeting cards integrated with family photo on father?s and mother? day.Features:* Affordable greeting card maker tool design printable greeting cards that get printed directly from any ordinary printer.* Greeting card builder utility supports windows operating system series from Windows 11,Windows 10,Windows 8,Win7.* Greeting card creator program provides intuitive graphical user interface so that any new or experienced user can easily generate greeting cards in own style.

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