Author: EMail | Price: 0 | License: Freeware
O/S: Win 10 32Bit | Category: Security | Downloads: 32
Requirements: Windows XP
This free tool can be used to check for installed patches on Windows and export list of installed Windows updates. You can use it for simplified Windows patch management, such as to create a list of missing patches, install missing patches, determine missing Windows updates of using PowerShell scripts to get installed hotfixes (Get-HotFix cmdlet) ornning WMI queries to determine list of installed hotfixes (wmic qfe). Sign-up for Action1 Free Edition to enable IT workload automation and orchestrate job scheduling. Action1 allows ton manual and scheduled batch processes and actions centrally across the entirework. Action1 is entirely SaaS, with online web-based interface (no management tools to install) and it has zero cost for basic functionality.nning in the Cloud, Action1 discovers all of your endpoints in seconds, allowing you to manage your entirework bynning queries and executing actions in plain English.