Author: EMail | Price: 999 | License: Shareware
O/S: Win 10 32Bit | Category: Disk Tools | Downloads: 32
Requirements: Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 100 MB Space
This option is best for you if you want Lotus Domino to Exchange 2010,2013,2016,2019 migration. Simply export Domino Server mailboxes to Exchange Server environ with following pre-requisites: 1. Live Domino Server environment is required to perform conversion 2. Working Exchange Server environment is required for the batch migration. 3. Mailbox Mapping option is available to directly save data from Domino Server to live Exchange. Lotus Domino to Exchange Migration Software allows to import Domino Server data files directly into Exchange Server 2019,2016,2013,2010,2007 mailboxes. Highlight Features of Domino to Exchange Server Migration Tool: 1. Convert Lotus Notes NSF Files to 2. Migrate Lotus Notes NSF files to Live MS Exchange Server 3. Convert Domino Server mailboxes to 4. Export Domino Server mailboxes to Live Exchange Server 5. Provides Option to Map CN values from Names.nsf file 6. The tool supports different types of Calendar Recurrences This Mail Migration Wizard software exports Calendars along with Recurrences. Following Calendar Recurrences are supported : Yearly, Monthly by Date, Monthly by Day, Weekly, and Daily 7. Lotus Notes versions 9.0 or below version installation is required Supports conversion or migration of NSF Files from all versions of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino server 9.0,8.5,8.0,&.7,7.0 etc 8. Domino Server Environment is Required on migration machine 9. Live Exchange Server is needed for migration in Exchange environment 10. Solution to import Lotus Notes emails to Exchange archive in few steps 11. It supports Lotus Notes/Domino to Exchange versions Lotus Domino to Exchange Migration is a tool for batch migration, you can apply various filters to export limited amount of data and save unnecessary time consumption. 1. Email Filters: You can set a date range to export emails within a particular time interval. 2. Calendar Filters: Export the calendars with all attributes within a date range.