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Startup Informer 3.84


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Startup Informer 3.84 File Number: 189897 |  Submitted: Dec 30, 2018 |  File size: 3865KB |  Uninstaller: No

Author: EMail |  Price: 0 |  License: Freeware
O/S: Win 10 32Bit | Category: Internet |  Downloads: 32

Requirements: Windows 7/8/10 with .NET 4.7 (installed automatically). Low


Startuprmer is your personal digital assistant, an automated SocialMedia manager for the 21st century Founder. In being a Startup or Small Business, you're small and you feel chanceless? Visibility. It's one of the greatest battles on earth. SI automates your Tweets. Configure 3 Websites, a Twitter ount, friends, newstickers, free imagery and Quotes. SI will postrmations about your Website and creates a beautiful Timeline. Startuprmer features: - configure up to 3 Websites, free of charge - authentify one Twitter ount, free of charge - Startuprmer will read your Website Sitemap in all its pages - Startuprmer will start Tweetingrmations for you - SI willrm about selected singular Website Pages - SI supports sub-pages (https://dynamic-applications/downloads) - SI will Retweet your best Friends, once in a while - SI will Retweet additionals (News Magazines, Quotes, Pictures) - SI will curate your best Tweets in history, and repeat them for you - SI collects and retweets your favourite Hashtags - SI will favour the Tweets with most RT and Favs, statistically chosen - SI willn as long your Laptop or PC isnning - SI has minimal energy consumption (1 kWh/week), all Tweets cached internally - SI brings highly detailed log-file creation, so that it's fully transparent - SI can startup minimized, and can be placed in your Autostart folder. System Requirements: - a classic sitemap.xml file that lists your Website pages (most 21st century Small Business websites have one, anyways). - a Twitter ount, chance of participation in world's fastestwork (get these from Twitter, free of charge). All in all, Startuprmer is the perfect opportunity to create a beautiful Timeline for your followers or fan crowd, so that you can concentrate on your wonderworks, whether it's Software, Music, Videos, Games, or it is your personal Business Services or Product offering.

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